Designated Assistant Professor Atsuki Shinbori of the Center for Integrated Data Science and his colleagues received Highlighted Papers 2023 in the journal Earth Planets Space (EPS)
A scientific paper titled “New aspects of the upper atmospheric disturbances caused by the explosive eruption of the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano” by Designated Assistant Professor Atsuki Shinbori of the Center for Integrated Data Science (CIDAS), ISEE, was awarded Highlighted Papers 2023 by Earth, Planets and Space (EPS). “Highlighted Papers” are the excellent papers commended as highlighted papers (top 6% of 189 total papers in 2023) based on the recommendations of the EPS journal’s editorial board. For a summary of this paper, please see the recommended articles in EPS ( Associate Professor Yuichi Otsuka and Associate Professor Nozomu Nishitani of the Division for Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Research, ISEE, and Designated Assistant Professor Takuya Sori and Professor Miyoshi of the CIDAS, ISEE, participate as co-authors of this paper.
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